I haven't written anything encouraging or creative lately just because everything has been so meh, but I've been seeing so many posts about everyone feeling stuck from working remotely or just basically a lack of life.
This is a reminder that it's okay. The pandemic just makes you want to scream and shout out of frustration whether you're working remotely, you don't have a job, you're tolerating online classes, or whatever. I know you feel stuck and you feel like everything is just repeating itself everyday- as if there's clearly a lack of vibrancy and light. You don't have to be at your best, especially during this pandemic. It's okay to pause, breathe, and take a look at everything around you.
But what I want you to know is this: what you're going through isn't permanent. Your struggle and frustration won't last forever and until it gets better, I want to remind you that God sees you. God sees you working your ass off, barely having any time for yourself. God sees you silently losing at the thought of having no stability during this season. God sees you with anxiety and fear, as the year comes to an end and knowing you've had no progress. God sees your isolation and He sees your thoughts of missing when everything was filled with so much life- to when there's access of physical affection, socialization, the smell of laughter and coffee outside, or even the smell of ocean breeze. God sees this, in every step of the way.
This is a reminder that it may not get better now, it may seem repetitive and dull and exhausting, but this too shall pass. Remember God repetitively saying in His word to have courage and never be afraid, and to trust in His plans for your future? It's okay to feel devastated and hopeless, it's okay to just want to give up and lose hope. But, this is a reminder that you're stronger than you think. Working from home, online class, losing jobs, it's all so frustrating. But it's also a reminder to always keep the faith and everything will make sense... eventually.